A downloadable game for Windows


LURE is a 5-15 minute short horror game that includes psychological hallucinations, hearing things and more. 

Ver. 0.13.1


I am a 16 Y.O currently trying to make game development a main job away from my usual manga making career and this project is a first step! Every donation this project gets will be used to support my career and also as donation to other people!

Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(4 total ratings)
TagsHorror, Psychological Horror, Short


LURE.zip 57 MB


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Good Job Rest! It was fun playing through! Had a part I did get stuck, the jumpscares hit me hard, the story I have theories about but unsure if I nailed it, I feel more answers will come once you release more, I'll keep a eye out!

I think some more upping on the ambience and the hallucinations variations would be awesome! 

I had silly horror fun!

Amazing game... Starts at 17:15.

i use to play many of these games , and i can say this is great as a first project !!  i'm talking about general atmosphere , not bugs etc..

good job and can't wait to see more! :)

This was such a well made game! Especially, when you take in the circumstances! I gave some feedback immediately after playing the game (If anyone would like to just skip to the end of the video). 

(2 edits)

I just finished playing the game. It was great! You did amazing job, especially with this being the first game you ever made. I would certainly recommend this to anyone who enjoys playing horror games. It definitely had me on the edge of my seat, especially toward the end. Great job! 

Very well done, I did have some trouble with the directions being so ambiguous, as well as encountering a glitch that gets you stuck by the Shower/Toilet in the second half of the game. I did have a fun time with this one though, and look forward to seeing more work from you as you continue your journey! Check out my playthrough below!

(1 edit)

Hi there, I'm sure its just me but I tried to play your game but the instructions, while they are easy, were hard to follow. I also had a very hard time picking up the mop in the bathroom and was not able to see how to pull the text message back on the phone to read. The game was also very dark outside it was hard to locate the bin for the bags. Overall you did a great job building suspense! I will wait to play your game once more for my channel in the future once you are able to smooth out the game a bit more. Good luck! I think this game is going to be an excellent addition to my horror video library on my channel. 

at first I was confused what to do with the dishes first i tried to put in the kitchen sink but nothing happened but after while i noticed some trash outside i thought why would throw dishes and utensils in the trash unless you mean they are made plastic in the game but otherwise the game was really good and even a good jumpscare


four your first game oh my god man you nailed it out of the park my dude i absolutely love the game cannot wait to see your next project there was a few bugs but nothing too bad keep up that excellent work you're going to go far kid

Thank you so much for playing!! I appreciate it so much and I also took notes. Thanks again!